Most of my updates were made to the Terraform code for deployment of an AWS IoT Core sensor. See aws-iot-core-tf/tf for the code changes. The README includes instructions on how to deploy and publish messages.
To accomplish my goal of deploying an AWS IoT Core, I had to create the following entities:
After declaring my entities on aws-iot-core-tf/tf, a simple terraform apply
was all that was needed to deploy all my resources to the cloud.
Following that, tests were performed to send an image via:
aws iot-data publish \\
--topic "iot-core-topic" \\
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \\
--payload fileb://test/fixtures/example.png \\
--region "us-east-1"
Said image could then be received from S3 via:
aws s3api get-object --bucket $bucket --key <key-from-previous-step> example.png
Preliminary Observations